The care and feeding of the media
Working with the Media doesn’t have to be a painful process. Often they’re not sure of the subject matter and may feel as intimidated as you are!

Here are a few tips:

  • Designate someone to act as the media ‘spokesperson.’ That may be the Board Chairperson, Director, a principal or some other administrator. This step does not always have to be taken, but it’s a good idea if the issue is sensitive or controversial and you want one person who can deal with the issues. Choose someone who is well-spoken and knows the facts but speaks in layman’s terms. This person does not have to be the top person in charge; the position is not necessarily the most important criterion.
  • When Working with the Media, you’ll have to answer the basics: Who; what; when; where; why; and how.
  • Be prepared! Know your facts.
  • Try to familiarize yourself with the publication or show you’ll be on.
  • When talking to the media, tell only what you want the interviewer to know.
  • Take time to think of your answers. Don’t rush to speak and then regret what you’ve said. Be careful what you say, and remember that EVERYTHING you say can be used.
  • Going ‘off the record’ is NOT recommended. It’s dangerous and there aren’t any guarantees. Simply say, ‘No, I’m not comfortable with that.’
  • Don’t be defensive or nasty. Be friendly to the media.
  • If possible, try to get to know media people before a ‘crisis’ situation occurs. Perhaps call and suggest a positive story idea you think would highlight your school or division. On a slow news day, this might be appreciated. WARNING: Don’t bother the media incessantly.
  • Don’t lie or bend the truth; it will come back to haunt you. Don’t say ‘no comment.’ It’s OK to say, "I’m not sure how to answer that.’
  • Offer documents, charts or other background information if necessary.
  • Talk to the reporter, not the camera.
  • Don’t say anything you don’t want printed, heard or seen.
  • Don’t do an interview unless you feel comfortable with the issues and you know the facts. If you are not expressing the official (board) view, say so. Make it clear if it’s your personal point of view.
  • Before the interview, try to think of some difficult questions and what you’d answer to them.
  • Express yourself concisely and avoid jargon. You’re talking to ordinary people! Talk plainly and candidly. Don’t bend the truth or try to mislead the reporter. If you don’t know the answer, don’t fabricate or guess. Say you don’t know, and offer to find out the information. If you’re not sure about the question, say so.
  • Be sincere about how you feel. If it upsets you, or you feel happy about it, or you’re frustrated, you can say that.
  • Be courteous and diplomatic. Suggest that the reporter call later for clarification if needed.
  • Listen to the questions! Make sure you answer them. You can add other information you think is important later.
  • Smile! Relax!

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