
The Timing of the Environmental Assessment
The Timing of the Environmental Assessment
The Duration of the Environmental Assessment
An EA done at the start of a project should take no longer to complete than the project design phase. In fact, unless the EA proves to be highly complicated, this is probably more time than necessary. However, this does not include the time required to implement and monitor the mitigation measures proposed by the EA. The length of time needed to complete an EA will also hinge on:

  • The size and complexity of the proposed project.
  • The extent of co-operation received from the project sponsor and third parties such as local government.
  • The level of interest and support demonstrated by the community.
  • The ability of the project team to sustain interest in the EA.
  • The skills of the EA team.
  • The EA techniques employed.

Defining an Acceptable level of Environmental Impact
Defining an Acceptable level of Environmental Impact

The Timing of the Environmental Assessment

Defining an Acceptable level of Environmental Impact