Incorporating networking in people-centered activities

The importance of networking to develop a 'people-centered' focus in development activities and projects, is well recognized. Some of the issues that have to be kept in mind include:

  • Networking activities have to commence at the earliest stages of a programme or project. It should help define the aims and objectives abd have input into how the activity will be established.

  • Networks and networking should have real influence on the proposed activities' direction - that is, enough leverage to ensure that the goals, mission and methods of the activity are adhered to.

  • Networking processes and outcomes should benefot the activity's target group. Group members should be hored and trained whenever ossible and appropriate, and the activities should help build and enhance collective assets.

  • Network members should be part of the anlysis and 'packaging' of information, and should have input into how it will be distributed. This does not imply censorship of information or publication, but rather the opportunity to make clear the community;s views about the analysis and interpretetion prior to final publication.

  • Productive partnerships between network resource persons and network members should be encouraged to last beyond the life of the activity, This will make it more lively that knowledge gained will be icorporated into ongoing programmes and therefore provide the greatest possible benefit to the community from networking.

  • Networks should be empwered to initiate their own activities and projects which address needs they identify themselves.

Hari Srinivas -
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