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Changing Comsumption Patterns
in Human Settlements:
Transportation Planning and Management

Did you know?

A transport crisis of major proportions is looming on the horizon in many of the world's cities. Road travel speeds during peak hours have already fallen below that of horse-drawn carriages, popular 80 years ago. Increasing motorization and air pollution threaten economic development as well as the environment. However, opportunities exist to solve these problems by limiting the demand for transport without affecting socio- economic development. An efficient and equitable urban transport policy can achieve its objectives by using a combination of new investment, economic incentives as well as adequate planning and regulatory measures. This will reduce overall travel and ensure the travel that occurs is safe, efficient and environmentally sustainable.

7 good ways to reduce the demand for transport

  1. Introduce integrated land-use and transport planning to reduce mobility needs
  2. Introduce road-user charges that reflect externalities
  3. Encourage public-private partnership in the provision of public transport
  4. Provide traffic priority for public transport
  5. Promote walking and cycling as attractive transport alternatives
  6. Encourage efficient and non-polluting vehicle technology
  7. Introduce staggered work hours for public employees

UNCHS (HABITAT) Settlement Infrastructure and Environment Programme (SIEP)
P.O. Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254-2-623781, Fax: +254-2-624265, Email:
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